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· 2 min read

This is a step by step example on how to start using Python with ClickHouse Cloud service.


Keep in mind that Python versions and libraries dependencies are constantly evolving. Make also sure to use the latest supported versions of both the driver and Python environment when trying this.

At the time of writing this article, we're using the clickhouse-connect driver version 0.5.23 and python 3.11.2 respectively.


  1. Check the Python version:
$  python -V
Python 3.11.2
  1. We'll assemble the project in a folder called ch-python:
$ mkdir ch-python
$ cd ch-python
  1. Create a dependencies file named requirements.txt with:
  1. Create a python source file named
import clickhouse_connect
import sys
import json


client = clickhouse_connect.get_client(

print("connected to " + CLICKHOUSE_CLOUD_HOSTNAME + "\n")
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS new_table (key UInt32, value String, metric Float64) ENGINE MergeTree ORDER BY key')

print("table new_table created or exists already!\n")

row1 = [1000, 'String Value 1000', 5.233]
row2 = [2000, 'String Value 2000', -107.04]
data = [row1, row2]
client.insert('new_table', data, column_names=['key', 'value', 'metric'])

print("written 2 rows to table new_table\n")

QUERY = "SELECT max(key), avg(metric) FROM new_table"

result = client.query(QUERY)

sys.stdout.write("query: ["+QUERY + "] returns:\n\n")
  1. Create the virtual environment:
chpython$ python -m venv venv
  1. Load the virtual environment:
chpython$ source venv/bin/activate

Once loaded, your terminal prompt should be prefixed with (venv), install dependencies:

(venv) ➜  chpython$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Collecting certifi
Using cached certifi-2023.5.7-py3-none-any.whl (156 kB)
Collecting urllib3>=1.26
Using cached urllib3-2.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (123 kB)
Collecting pytz
Using cached pytz-2023.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (502 kB)
Collecting zstandard
Using cached zstandard-0.21.0-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl (364 kB)
Collecting lz4
Using cached lz4-4.3.2-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl (212 kB)
Installing collected packages: pytz, zstandard, urllib3, lz4, certifi, clickhouse-connect
Successfully installed certifi-2023.5.7 clickhouse-connect-0.5.23 lz4-4.3.2 pytz-2023.3 urllib3-2.0.2 zstandard-0.21.0
  1. Launch the code!
(venv) chpython$ venv/bin/python

connected to

table new_table created or exists already!

written 2 rows to table new_table

query: [SELECT max(key), avg(metric) FROM new_table] returns:

[(2000, -50.9035)]

If using an older Python version (e.g. 3.9.6) you might be getting an ImportError related to urllib3 library. In that case either upgrade your Python environment to a newer version or pin the urllib3 version to 1.26.15 in your requirements.txt file.

· 5 min read

How can I use API to manage clusters on ClickHouse Cloud?


We will use Terraform to configure our infra and ClickHouse Provider


1). Create an API Key on Cloud. Follow the docs here -

Save the creds locally.

2). Install Terraform using -

You can use Homebrew package manager if you're on Mac.

3). Create a directory anywhere you like:

mkdir test
➜ test pwd

4). Create 2 files: and secret.tfvars

Copy the following: file would be:

terraform {
required_providers {
clickhouse = {
source = "ClickHouse/clickhouse"
version = "0.0.2"

variable "organization_id" {
type = string

variable "token_key" {
type = string

variable "token_secret" {
type = string

provider clickhouse {
environment = "production"
organization_id = var.organization_id
token_key = var.token_key
token_secret = var.token_secret

variable "service_password" {
type = string
sensitive = true

resource "clickhouse_service" "service123" {
name = "jai-terraform"
cloud_provider = "aws"
region = "us-east-2"
tier = "development"
idle_scaling = true
password = var.service_password
ip_access = [
source = ""
description = "Anywhere"

value =

You can replace your own parameters like service name, region etc.. in the resources section above.

secret.tfvars is where you'll put all the API Key related info that you downloaded earlier. The idea behind this file is that all your secret credentials will be hidden from the main config file.

It would be something like (replace these parameters):

organization_id = "e957a5f7-4qe3-4b05-ad5a-d02b2dcd0593"
token_key = "QWhhkMeytqQruTeKg"
token_secret = "4b1dNmjWdLUno9lXxmKvSUcPP62jvn7irkuZPbY"
service_password = "password123!"

5). Run terraform init from this directory

Expected output:

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding clickhouse/clickhouse versions matching "0.0.2"...
- Installing clickhouse/clickhouse v0.0.2...
- Installed clickhouse/clickhouse v0.0.2 (self-signed, key ID D7089EE5C6A92ED1)

Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here:

Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

6). Run terraform apply -var-file=secret.tfvars command.

Something like:

➜  test terraform apply -var-file=secret.tfvars

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with
the following symbols:
+ create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# clickhouse_service.service123 will be created
+ resource "clickhouse_service" "service123" {
+ cloud_provider = "aws"
+ endpoints = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ idle_scaling = true
+ ip_access = [
+ {
+ description = "Anywhere"
+ source = ""
+ last_updated = (known after apply)
+ name = "jai-terraform"
+ password = (sensitive value)
+ region = "us-east-2"
+ tier = "development"

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Changes to Outputs:
+ CLICKHOUSE_HOST = (known after apply)

Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value: yes

Type yes and hit enter

Side note: Notice it says password = (sensitive value) above. This is because we set sensitive = true for the password in the file.

7). It will take a couple of mins to create the service but eventually it should come up like:

  Enter a value: yes

clickhouse_service.service123: Creating...
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [1m0s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [1m10s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [1m20s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [1m30s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still creating... [1m40s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Creation complete after 1m41s [id=aa8d8d63-1878-4600-8470-630715af38ed]

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


➜ test

8). Check Cloud Console, you should be able to see the service created.

9). To clean up/destroy the service again, run terraform destroy -var-file=secret.tfvars

Something like:

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with
the following symbols:
- destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# clickhouse_service.service123 will be destroyed
- resource "clickhouse_service" "service123" {
- cloud_provider = "aws" -> null
- ............

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Changes to Outputs:
- CLICKHOUSE_HOST = "" -> null

Do you really want to destroy all resources?
Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

Enter a value:

Type yes and hit enter


clickhouse_service.service123: Destroying... [id=aa8d8d63-1878-4600-8470-630715af38ed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still destroying... [id=aa8d8d63-1878-4600-8470-630715af38ed, 10s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Still destroying... [id=aa8d8d63-1878-4600-8470-630715af38ed, 20s elapsed]
clickhouse_service.service123: Destruction complete after 27s

Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.

And it should be gone from the Cloud Console.

More details about the Cloud API can be found here -

· 2 min read


The VPC must be located in one of our ClickPipes regions: us-east-1, us-east-2 or eu-central-1. (

Follow these steps to create a VPC endpoint service for your RDS instance. Repeat these steps if you have multiple instances that require endpoint services:

  1. Locate Your VPC and Create an NLB

    • Navigate to your target VPC and create a Network Load Balancer (NLB).
  2. Configure the Target Group

    • The target group should point to the RDS instance's endpoint IP and Port (typically 5432 for PostgreSQL or 3306 for MySQL).
    • Ensure that the TCP protocol is used to avoid TLS termination by the NLB.
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure the RDS instance endpoint used in case of DB Cluster/Aurora is ONLY the WRITER Endpoint and NOT the common endpoint.
  3. Set the Listener Port

    • The listener port of the load balancer must match the port used by the target group (typically 5432 for PostgreSQL or 3306 for MySQL).
  4. Ensure the Load Balancer is Private

    • Configure the NLB to be private, ensuring it is only accessible within the VPC.
  5. Create the VPC Endpoint Service

    • In the VPC, create an endpoint service that points to the NLB.
    • Enable acceptance of connection requests from specific accounts.
  6. Authorize ClickPipes to Use the Endpoint Service

    • Grant permission to the ClickPipes account to request this endpoint service.
    • Configure allowed principals by adding the following principal ID:

Initiating connection

When it's done, share details such as private DNS name, VPC service name and availability zone. ClickPipes team will initiate VPC endpoints creation in ClickPipes VPC. This will require connection request acceptance on your side.

Creating ClickPipes

Use your RDS's private DNS endpoints to create your ClickPipes.

· 6 min read

Users may see cases where their query is slower than expected, in the belief they are ordering or filtering by a primary key. In this article we show how users can confirm the key is used, highlighting common reasons its not.

Create table

Consider the following simple table:

`code` LowCardinality(String),
`timestamp` DateTime64(3)
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (code, toUnixTimestamp(timestamp))

Note how our ordering key includes toUnixTimestamp(timestamp) as the second entry.

Populate data

Populate this table with 100m rows:

['200', '404', '502', '403'][toInt32(randBinomial(4, 0.1)) + 1] AS code,
now() + toIntervalMinute(number) AS timestamp
FROM numbers(100000000)

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 15.845 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (6.31 million rows/s., 50.49 MB/s.)

SELECT count()
FROM logs

100000000-- 100.00 million

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

Basic filtering

If we filter by code we can see the number of rows scanned in the output. - 49.15 thousand. Notice how this is a subset of the total 100m rows.

SELECT count() AS c
FROM logs
WHERE code = '200'

65607542-- 65.61 million

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.021 sec. Processed 49.15 thousand rows, 49.17 KB (2.34 million rows/s., 2.34 MB/s.)
Peak memory usage: 92.70 KiB.

Furthermore, we can confirm the use of the index with the EXPLAIN indexes=1 clause:

EXPLAIN indexes = 1
SELECT count() AS c
FROM logs
WHERE code = '200'

│ Expression ((Project names + Projection))
│ AggregatingProjection │
│ Expression (Before GROUP BY)
│ Filter ((WHERE + Change column names to column identifiers))
│ ReadFromMergeTree (default.logs)
│ Indexes: │
│ PrimaryKey │
Keys: │
│ code │
│ Condition: (code in ['200', '200'])
│ Parts: 3/3
│ Granules: 8012/12209
│ ReadFromPreparedSource (_minmax_count_projection)

Notice how the number of granules scanned 8012 is a fraction of the total 12209. The section higlighted below, confirms use of the primary key code.


Granules are the unit of data processing in ClickHouse, with each typically holding 8192 rows. For further details on granules and how they are filtered we recommend reading this guide.


Filtering on keys later in an ordering key will not be as efficient as filtering on those that are earlier in the tuple. For reasons why, see here

Multi-key filtering

Suppose we filter, by code and timestamp:

SELECT count()
FROM logs
WHERE (code = '200') AND (timestamp >= '2025-01-01 00:00:00') AND (timestamp <= '2026-01-01 00:00:00')


1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec. Processed 712.70 thousand rows, 6.41 MB (88.92 million rows/s., 799.27 MB/s.)

EXPLAIN indexes = 1
SELECT count()
FROM logs
WHERE (code = '200') AND (timestamp >= '2025-01-01 00:00:00') AND (timestamp <= '2026-01-01 00:00:00')

│ Expression ((Project names + Projection))
│ Aggregating │
│ Expression (Before GROUP BY)
│ Expression │
│ ReadFromMergeTree (default.logs)
│ Indexes: │
│ PrimaryKey │
Keys: │
│ code │
│ toUnixTimestamp(timestamp)
│ Condition: and((toUnixTimestamp(timestamp) in (-Inf, 1767225600]), and((toUnixTimestamp(timestamp) in [1735689600, +Inf)), (code in ['200', '200'])))
│ Parts: 3/3
│ Granules: 87/12209

13 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

In this case both ordering keys are used to filter rows, resulting in the need to only read 87 granules.

Using keys in sorting

ClickHouse can also exploit ordering keys for efficient sorting. Specifically,

When the optimize_read_in_order setting is enabled (by default), the ClickHouse server uses the table index and reads the data in order of the ORDER BY key. This allows us to avoid reading all data in case of specified LIMIT. So, queries on big data with small limits are processed faster. See here and here for further details.

This, however, requires alignment of the keys used.

For example, consider this query:

FROM logs
WHERE (code = '200') AND (timestamp >= '2025-01-01 00:00:00') AND (timestamp <= '2026-01-01 00:00:00')
ORDER BY timestamp ASC

2002025-01-01 00:00:01.000
2002025-01-01 00:00:45.000
2002025-01-01 00:01:01.000
2002025-01-01 00:01:45.000
2002025-01-01 00:02:01.000
2002025-01-01 00:03:01.000
2002025-01-01 00:03:45.000
2002025-01-01 00:04:01.000
2002025-01-01 00:05:45.000
2002025-01-01 00:06:01.000

10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.009 sec. Processed 712.70 thousand rows, 6.41 MB (80.13 million rows/s., 720.27 MB/s.)
Peak memory usage: 125.50 KiB.

We can confirm that the optimization has not been exploited here by using EXPLAIN pipeline:

FROM logs
WHERE (code = '200') AND (timestamp >= '2025-01-01 00:00:00') AND (timestamp <= '2026-01-01 00:00:00')
ORDER BY timestamp ASC

│ ExpressionTransform │
│ MergingSortedTransform 121
│ MergeSortingTransform × 12
│ LimitsCheckingTransform × 12
│ PartialSortingTransform × 12
│ ExpressionTransform × 12
│ ExpressionTransform × 12
│ MergeTreeSelect(pool: ReadPool, algorithm: Thread) × 12 01

15 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec.

The line MergeTreeSelect(pool: ReadPool, algorithm: Thread) here does not indicate the use of the optimization but rather a standard read. This is caused by our table ordering key using toUnixTimestamp(Timestamp) NOT timestamp. Rectifying this mismatch addresses the issue:

FROM logs
WHERE (code = '200') AND (timestamp >= '2025-01-01 00:00:00') AND (timestamp <= '2026-01-01 00:00:00')
ORDER BY toUnixTimestamp(timestamp) ASC

│ ExpressionTransform │
│ MergingSortedTransform 31
│ BufferChunks × 3
│ ExpressionTransform × 3
│ ExpressionTransform × 3
│ MergeTreeSelect(pool: ReadPoolInOrder, algorithm: InOrder) × 3 01

13 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.

· 5 min read

The following steps can be used to enable SSL for a single ClickHouse Server using Let's Encrypt, a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority (CA) designed to make it easy for anyone to secure their websites with HTTPS. By automating the certificate issuance and renewal process, Let's Encrypt ensures websites remain secure without requiring manual intervention.


We assume ClickHouse has been installed at the standard package locations in the following guide. We use the domain for all examples. Substitute your domain accordingly.

  1. Verify you have a DNS A or AAAA record pointing to your server. This can be achieved using the Linux tool dig. For example, the response for if using the Cloudflare DNS server

dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.28-0ubuntu0.22.04.1-Ubuntu <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22315
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; IN A


;; Query time: 52 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Dec 12 09:37:33 UTC 2024
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 83

Notice the section below confirming the presence of an A record.

  1. Open port 80 on your server. This port will be used for automatic certificate renewal using the ACME protocol with certbot. For AWS, this can be achieved by modifying the instance's associated Security Group.


  1. Install certbot e.g. using apt

sudo apt install certbot
  1. Obtain an SSL certificate

sudo certbot certonly
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

How would you like to authenticate with the ACME CA?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1: Spin up a temporary webserver (standalone)
2: Place files in webroot directory (webroot)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel): 1
Please enter the domain name(s) you would like on your certificate (comma and/or
space separated) (Enter 'c' to cancel):
Requesting a certificate for

Successfully received certificate.
Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Key is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
This certificate expires on 2025-03-12.
These files will be updated when the certificate renews.
Certbot has set up a scheduled task to automatically renew this certificate in the background.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:
* Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt:
* Donating to EFF:

We don't have a web server running on our server, so use (1) allowing Certbot to use a standalone temporary web server.

Enter the full domain name of your server e.g. when requested.


Let's Encrypt has a policy of not issuing certificates for certain types of domains, such as public cloud provider-generated domains (e.g., AWS * domains). These domains are considered shared infrastructure and are blocked for security and abuse prevention reasons.

  1. Copy certificates to the ClickHouse directory.

echo '* * * * * root cp -u /etc/letsencrypt/live/*.pem /etc/clickhouse-server/ && chown clickhouse:clickhouse /etc/clickhouse-server/*.pem && chmod 400 /etc/clickhouse-server/*.pem' | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/copy-certificates

This command sets up a cron job to automate the management of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for a ClickHouse server. It runs every minute as the root user, copying the .pem files from the Let's Encrypt directory to the ClickHouse server's configuration directory, but only if the files have been updated. After copying, the script adjusts the ownership of the files to the clickhouse user and group, ensuring the server has the required access. It also sets secure read-only permissions (chmod 400) on the copied files to maintain strict file security. This ensures that the ClickHouse server always has access to the latest SSL certificates without requiring manual intervention, maintaining security and minimizing operational overhead.

  1. Configure the use of these certificates in clickhouse-server.

echo "https_port: 8443
tcp_port_secure: 9440
certificateFile: '/etc/clickhouse-server/fullchain.pem'
privateKeyFile: '/etc/clickhouse-server/privkey.pem'
disableProtocols: 'sslv2,sslv3,tlsv1,tlsv1_1'" | sudo tee /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/ssl.yaml
  1. Restart ClickHouse Server

sudo clickhouse restart
  1. Validate ClickHouse can communicate over SSL



For this last step to work you may need to ensure port 8443 is accessible e.g. included in your Security Group in AWS. Alternatively, if you only want to access ClickHouse from the server, modify your hosts file i.e.

echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

If you open connections from wildcard addresses, make sure that at least one of the following measures is applied:

  • server is protected by firewall and not accessible from untrusted networks;
  • all users are restricted to a subset of network addresses (see users.xml);
  • all users have strong passwords, only secure (TLS) interfaces are accessible, or connections are only made via TLS interfaces.
  • users without passwords have read-only access.

See also:

The blog Building single page applications with ClickHouse can be used as guidance for securing public instances.

The following should also work if connecting from the local machine on which ClickHouse is running. To connect via open port 9440 in your:

clickhouse client --secure --user default --password <password>

· 7 min read

ClickHouse has no pivot operator, but we can achieve similar behavior using aggregate function combinators and, in particular, the ones with the -Map suffix.

In this article, we're going to learn how to do that. There is also a video covering the same material, which you can see below:

Understanding aggregate function combinators

Let's start with a simple example. We're going to use clickhouse-local, which you can launch by running the following:

clickhouse -m --output_format_pretty_row_numbers=0

The following query calls the sumMap function, which takes in a map and sums the values of each key:

SELECT sumMap(map('ClickHouse', 1, 'ClickBench', 2));
┌─sumMap(map('ClickHouse', 1, 'ClickBench', 2))─┐
│ {'ClickBench':2,'ClickHouse':1} │

This isn't a particularly interesting example as it returns the same map that we passed in. Let's now call sumMap over multiple rows of maps;

WITH values AS (
SELECT map('ClickHouse', 3) AS value
SELECT map('ClickBench', 2, 'ClickHouse', 4) AS value
SELECT sumMap(value)
FROM values;
│ {'ClickBench':2,'ClickHouse':7} │

The key ClickHouse appeared on both rows and its values have been summed. The key ClickBench was only present on one line, so it sums a single value, which returns that value!

We can also use maxMap to find the maximum values per key:

WITH values AS (
SELECT map('ClickHouse', 3) AS value
SELECT map('ClickBench', 2, 'ClickHouse', 4) AS value
SELECT maxMap(value)
FROM values;
│ {'ClickBench':2,'ClickHouse':4} │

Or we can use avgMap to find the average value per key:

WITH values AS (
SELECT map('ClickHouse', 3) AS value
SELECT map('ClickBench', 2, 'ClickHouse', 4) AS value
SELECT avgMap(value)
FROM values;
│ {'ClickBench':2,'ClickHouse':3.5} │

Hopefully that's given you an idea of how these function combinators work.

Real-World Application: UK housing prices dataset

Now we're going to use them on a bigger dataset in the ClickHouse SQL playground.

We can connect to the playground using clickhouse-client:

clickhouse client -m \
-h \
-u demo \

We're going to query the uk_price_paid table, so let's explore the data in that table:

SELECT * FROM uk.uk_price_paid LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical;
Row 1:
price: 145000
date: 2008-11-19
type: semi-detached
is_new: 0
duration: leasehold
category: 0

We can see above that the table contains various fields related to property sales in the UK.

Grouping and aggregating by decade

Let's work out the median prices grouped by county for each decade in the dataset:

WITH year(toStartOfInterval(date, toIntervalYear(10))) AS year
medianMap(map(year, price)) AS medianPrices
FROM uk.uk_price_paid
ORDER BY max(price) DESC
1. │ GREATER LONDON │ {1990:89972.5,2000:215000,2010:381500,2020:485000} │
2. │ TYNE AND WEAR │ {1990:46500,2000:93000,2010:130000,2020:139000} │
3. │ WEST MIDLANDS │ {1990:50000,2000:110000,2010:149950,2020:185000} │
4. │ GREATER MANCHESTER │ {1990:47000,2000:97000,2010:141171,2020:178000} │
5. │ MERSEYSIDE │ {1990:46750,2000:94972.5,2010:128000,2020:149000} │
6. │ HERTFORDSHIRE │ {1990:86500,2000:193000,2010:315000,2020:415000} │
7. │ WEST YORKSHIRE │ {1990:48995,2000:99950,2010:139000,2020:164950} │
8. │ BRIGHTON AND HOVE │ {1990:70000,2000:173000,2010:288000,2020:387000} │
9. │ DORSET │ {1990:76500,2000:182000,2010:250000,2020:315000} │
10. │ HAMPSHIRE │ {1990:79950,2000:177500,2010:260000,2020:335000} │

Filtering results

We can filter the results to only include data from 2010 and on:

WITH year(toStartOfInterval(date, toIntervalYear(10))) AS year
medianMap(map(year, price)) AS medianPrices
FROM uk.uk_price_paid
WHERE year >= 2010
ORDER BY max(price) DESC
1. │ GREATER LONDON │ {2010:384975,2020:485919.5} │
2. │ TYNE AND WEAR │ {2010:130000,2020:140000} │
3. │ WEST MIDLANDS │ {2010:146500,2020:185000} │
4. │ GREATER MANCHESTER │ {2010:140000,2020:177500} │
5. │ MERSEYSIDE │ {2010:130000,2020:150000} │
6. │ HERTFORDSHIRE │ {2010:315000,2020:415000} │
7. │ WEST YORKSHIRE │ {2010:140000,2020:162500} │
8. │ BRIGHTON AND HOVE │ {2010:287500,2020:387000} │
9. │ DORSET │ {2010:255750,2020:315000} │
10. │ HAMPSHIRE │ {2010:265000,2020:330000} │

Combining multiple aggregations

And if we want to find the maximum price per decade we can do that using the maxMap function that we saw earlier:

WITH year(toStartOfInterval(date, toIntervalYear(10))) AS year
medianMap(map(year, price)) AS medianPrices,
maxMap(map(year, price)) AS maxPrices
FROM uk.uk_price_paid
WHERE year >= 2010
ORDER BY max(price) DESC
1. │ GREATER LONDON │ {2010:385000,2020:485250} │ {2010:594300000,2020:630000000} │
2. │ TYNE AND WEAR │ {2010:130000,2020:141000} │ {2010:448300979,2020:93395000} │
3. │ WEST MIDLANDS │ {2010:149000,2020:184250} │ {2010:415000000,2020:104500000} │
4. │ GREATER MANCHESTER │ {2010:140000,2020:175000} │ {2010:107086856,2020:319186000} │
5. │ MERSEYSIDE │ {2010:129950,2020:150000} │ {2010:300000000,2020:93395000} │
6. │ HERTFORDSHIRE │ {2010:315000,2020:415000} │ {2010:254325163,2020:93395000} │
7. │ WEST YORKSHIRE │ {2010:138500,2020:165000} │ {2010:246300000,2020:109686257} │
8. │ BRIGHTON AND HOVE │ {2010:285000,2020:387000} │ {2010:200000000,2020:71540000} │
9. │ DORSET │ {2010:250000,2020:315000} │ {2010:150000000,2020:20230000} │
10. │ HAMPSHIRE │ {2010:264000,2020:330000} │ {2010:150000000,2020:48482500} │

Applying functions to map values

Alternatively, we can compute the average price using avgMap. Those values have a lot of decimal points, which we can clean up by using the mapApply function to call the floor function on each value in the map:

WITH year(toStartOfInterval(date, toIntervalYear(10))) AS year
medianMap(map(year, price)) AS medianPrices,
mapApply((k, v) -> (k, floor(v)), avgMap(map(year, price))) AS avgPrices
FROM uk.uk_price_paid
WHERE year >= 2010
ORDER BY max(price) DESC
1. │ GREATER LONDON │ {2010:382000,2020:490000} │ {2010:626091,2020:807240} │
2. │ TYNE AND WEAR │ {2010:127000,2020:140000} │ {2010:176955,2020:225770} │
3. │ WEST MIDLANDS │ {2010:148500,2020:183000} │ {2010:204128,2020:257226} │
4. │ GREATER MANCHESTER │ {2010:140000,2020:177500} │ {2010:195592,2020:251165} │
5. │ MERSEYSIDE │ {2010:127995,2020:150000} │ {2010:182194,2020:206062} │
6. │ HERTFORDSHIRE │ {2010:317500,2020:415000} │ {2010:414134,2020:529409} │
7. │ WEST YORKSHIRE │ {2010:140000,2020:164500} │ {2010:185121,2020:234870} │
8. │ BRIGHTON AND HOVE │ {2010:285000,2020:387000} │ {2010:372285,2020:527184} │
9. │ DORSET │ {2010:250000,2020:315000} │ {2010:305581,2020:370739} │
10. │ HAMPSHIRE │ {2010:265000,2020:330000} │ {2010:335945,2020:425196} │

Flexible grouping: counties, districts, and postcodes

Let's try to group by some different fields. This time we're going to compute the median price per decade grouped by county and district:

WITH year(toStartOfInterval(date, toIntervalYear(10))) AS year
medianMap(map(year, price)) AS medianPrices
FROM uk.uk_price_paid
WHERE year >= 2010
ORDER BY max(price) DESC
1. │ GREATER LONDON │ CROYDON │ {2010:298475,2020:400000} │
2. │ GREATER LONDON │ CITY OF WESTMINSTER │ {2010:800000,2020:935000} │
3. │ GREATER LONDON │ SOUTHWARK │ {2010:437000,2020:540000} │
4. │ TYNE AND WEAR │ NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE │ {2010:144000,2020:162500} │
5. │ WEST MIDLANDS │ WALSALL │ {2010:137450,2020:162000} │
6. │ GREATER LONDON │ CITY OF LONDON │ {2010:725875,2020:840000} │
7. │ GREATER LONDON │ HILLINGDON │ {2010:329125,2020:439000} │
8. │ GREATER MANCHESTER │ MANCHESTER │ {2010:144972.5,2020:190000} │
9. │ GREATER LONDON │ HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM │ {2010:622250,2020:750000} │
10. │ GREATER LONDON │ ISLINGTON │ {2010:500000,2020:640000} │

We could also choose to group by year and then concatenate postcode1 and postcode2 in the map:

WITH year(toStartOfInterval(date, toIntervalYear(10))) AS year
medianMap(map(postcode1 || ' ' || postcode2, price)) AS medianPrices
FROM uk.uk_price_paid
WHERE postcode1 LIKE 'NP1'
1. │ 1990 │ {'NP1 4PB':9000} │
2. │ 2000 │ {'NP1 4SR':28475,'NP1 7HZ':200000} │
3. │ 2010 │ {'NP1 4PB':5000,'NP1 4QJ':1075000,'NP1 4SR':58000,'NP1 8BR':200000} │
4. │ 2020 │ {'NP1 5DW':140000} │

· 2 min read


How do I use the EXCHANGE command to switch table names?


The EXCHANGE command is useful when you need to switch a current table with another table that is temporary where possibly Primary Keys or other settings were updated. This happens atomically vs with the RENAME command. It is also useful when you have Materialized Views triggering on a source table and are trying to avoid rebuilding the view.

Below is a simple example on how it works and how to test:

  • Create sample database
create database db1;
  • Create example table
create table db1.table1_exchange
id Int32,
string_field String
engine = MergeTree()
order by id;
  • Insert sample row
insert into db1.table1_exchange
(1, 'a');
  • Create example temporary table that will be exchanged
create table db1.table1_exchange_temp
id Int32,
string_field String
engine = MergeTree()
order by id;
  • Insert sample row into the temporary table
insert into db1.table1_exchange_temp
(2, 'b');
  • Run the EXCHANGE command to switch the tables
exchange tables db1.table1_exchange and db1.table1_exchange_temp;
  • Test that the tables are now exchanged and show the rows are switched
select * from db1.table1_exchange;
│ 2 │ b │

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

· 3 min read


How do I output the send_logs_level output to a file using the ClickHouse Client for multiple statements and multiple lines?


  • Create a SQL file with the statements, for example, send_logs_level_example.sql:
SET send_logs_level = 'trace';
SELECT * FROM db1.table1;
  • Run command to write to the screen and to the file:
cat send_logs_level_example.sql | ./clickhouse client -n -m --host --secure --port 9440 --password ABC123 --send_logs_level=trace 2>&1 | tee send_log_results.txt
  • Example results:
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.437263 [ 1247 ] {4b347939-db0f-48f8-9550-1ccc7d591c44} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SET send_logs_level = 'trace'; (stage: Complete)
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.437546 [ 1247 ] {4b347939-db0f-48f8-9550-1ccc7d591c44} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.000727434 sec.
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.508066 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT * FROM db1.table1; (stage: Complete)
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.508437 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.508530 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485) (SelectExecutor): Key condition: unknown
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.508581 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Trace> db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485) (SelectExecutor): Filtering marks by primary and secondary keys
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.508994 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485) (SelectExecutor): Selected 2/2 parts by partition key, 2 parts by primary key, 2/2 marks by primary key, 2 marks to read from 2 ranges
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509034 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Trace> db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485) (SelectExecutor): Spreading mark ranges among streams (default reading)
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509102 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool(db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485)): Increasing prefetch step from 0 to 24
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509146 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool(db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485)): Part: all_0_3_2, sum_marks: 1, approx mark size: 0, prefetch_step_bytes: 0, prefetch_step_marks: 24, (ranges: (0, 1))
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509180 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool(db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485)): Increasing prefetch step from 0 to 24
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509218 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool(db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485)): Part: all_4_4_0, sum_marks: 1, approx mark size: 0, prefetch_step_bytes: 0, prefetch_step_marks: 24, (ranges: (0, 1))
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509251 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> MergeTreePrefetchedReadPool(db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485)): Sum marks: 2, threads: 2, min_marks_per_thread: 1, min prefetch step marks: 24, prefetches limit: 200, total_size_approx: 0
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.509312 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> db1.table1 (781f25db-3cd1-47c6-a76e-701945a67485) (SelectExecutor): Reading approx. 8 rows with 2 streams
1 a
2 b
3 test, test
4 test, "test"
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.510601 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> executeQuery: Read 8 rows, 152.00 B in 0.002588 sec., 3091.190108191654 rows/sec., 57.36 KiB/sec.
[c-azure-gk-72-server-tojnalg-0] 2024.08.13 21:31:28.510663 [ 1247 ] {3406aa56-20e8-44e0-b5de-8cb7715861f3} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.002984367 sec.

Reference link:

· 3 min read

Types of profilers

LLVM already includes a tool that instruments the code that allows us to do instrumentation profiling. As opposed to sampling or statistical profiling, it's very precise without losing any calls, at the expense of needing to instrument the code and be more resource expensive.

In a few words, an instrumentation profiler introduces new code to track the call to all functions. Statistical profilers allow us to run the code without requiring any changes, taking snapshots periodically to see the state of the application. So, only the functions running while the snapshot is taken are considered. perf is a very well-known statistical profiler.

How to profile with XRay

Instrument the code

Imagine the following souce code:

#include <chrono>
#include <cstdio>
#include <thread>

void one()

void two()

int main()

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)


In order to instrument with XRay, we need to add some flags like so:

clang++ -o test test.cpp -fxray-instrument -fxray-instruction-threshold=1
  • -fxray-instrument is needed to instrument the code.
  • -fxray-instruction-threshold=1 is used so that it instruments all functions, even if they're very small as in our example. By default, it instruments functions with at least 200 instructions.

We can ensure the code has been instrumented correctly by checking there's a new section in the binary:

objdump -h -j xray_instr_map test

test: file format elf64-x86-64

Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
17 xray_instr_map 000005c0 000000000002f91c 000000000002f91c 0002f91c 2**0

Run the process with proper env var values to collect the trace

By default, there is no profiler collection unless explicitly asked for. In other words, unless we're profiling the overhead is negligible. We can set different values for XRAY_OPTIONS to configure when the profiler starts collecting and how it does so.

XRAY_OPTIONS="patch_premain=true xray_mode=xray-basic verbosity=1" ./test
==74394==XRay: Log file in 'xray-log.test.14imlN'
==74394==Cleaned up log for TID: 74394

Convert the trace

XRAy's traces can be converted to several formats. The trace_event format is very useful because it's easy to parse and there are already a number of tools that support it, so we'll use that one:

llvm-xray convert --symbolize --instr_map=./test --output-format=trace_event xray-log.test.14imlN | gzip > test-trace.txt.gz

Visualize the trace

We can use web-based UIs like or Perfetto.

While Perfetto makes visualizing multiple threads and querying the data easier, speedscope is better generating a flamegraph and a sandwich view of your data.

Time Order


Left Heavy




Profiling ClickHouse

  1. Pass -DENABLE_XRAY=1 to cmake when building ClickHouse. This sets the proper compiler flags.
  2. Set XRAY_OPTIONS="patch_premain=true xray_mode=xray-basic verbosity=1 env var when running ClickHouse to generate the trace.
  3. Convert the trace to an interesting format such as trace event: llvm-xray convert --symbolize --instr_map=./build/programs/clickhouse --output-format=trace_event xray-log.clickhouse.ZqKprE | gzip > clickhouse-trace.txt.gz.
  4. Visualize the trace in or Perfetto.


Notice that this is the visualization of only one thread. You can select the others tids on the top bar.

Check out the docs

Take a look at the XRay Instrumentation and Debugging with XRay documentation to learn more details.

· 4 min read

With the introduction of the new JSON data type, ClickHouse is now a good choice of database for doing JSON analytics. In this guide, we're going to learn how to load JSON messages from Apache Kafka directly into a single JSON column in ClickHouse.

Setup Kafka

Let's start by running a Kafka broker on our machine. We're also going to map port 9092 to port 9092 on our host operating system so that it's easier to interact with Kafka:

docker run --name broker -p 9092:9092 apache/kafka:3.8.1

Ingest data into Kafka

Once that's running, we need to ingest some data. The Wikimedia recent changes feed is a good source of streaming data, so let's ingest that into the wiki_events topic:

curl -N 2>/dev/null |
awk '/^data: /{gsub(/^data: /, ""); print}' |
jq -cr --arg sep ø '[, tostring] | join($sep)' |
kcat -P -b localhost:9092 -t wiki_events -Kø

We can check tha the data's being ingested by running the following command:

kcat -C -b localhost:9092  -t wiki_events
{"$schema":"/mediawiki/recentchange/1.0.0","meta":{"uri":"","request_id":"5c687ded-4721-4bfc-ae6c-58ca25f4a6ce","id":"0fbb0982-c43b-4e8b-989b-db7e78dbdc76","dt":"2024-11-06T11:59:57Z","domain":"","stream":"mediawiki.recentchange","topic":"codfw.mediawiki.recentchange","partition":0,"offset":1228777205},"id":2338656448,"type":"edit","namespace":0,"title":"Q130972321","title_url":"","comment":"/* wbsetclaim-create:2||1 */ [[Property:P18]]: Mahdi Rrezaei Journalist.jpg","timestamp":1730894397,"user":"Wikimellatir","bot":false,"notify_url":"","minor":false,"patrolled":false,"length":{"old":4269,"new":4636},"revision":{"old":2270870214,"new":2270885254},"server_url":"","server_name":"","server_script_path":"/w","wiki":"wikidatawiki","parsedcomment":"<span dir=\"auto\"><span class=\"autocomment\">Created claim: </span></span> <a href=\"/wiki/Property:P18\" title=\"image | image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)\"><span class=\"wb-itemlink\"><span class=\"wb-itemlink-label\" lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">image</span> <span class=\"wb-itemlink-id\">(P18)</span></span></a>: Mahdi Rrezaei Journalist.jpg"}
{"$schema":"/mediawiki/recentchange/1.0.0","meta":{"uri":"","request_id":"eb116219-7372-4725-986f-790211708d36","id":"9e0d5299-5bd1-4c58-b796-9852afd8a84e","dt":"2024-11-06T11:59:54Z","domain":"","stream":"mediawiki.recentchange","topic":"codfw.mediawiki.recentchange","partition":0,"offset":1228777206},"id":2338656449,"type":"edit","namespace":0,"title":"Q75756596","title_url":"","comment":"/* wbeditentity-update-languages-and-other:0||55 */ mv labels and aliases matching [[Property:P528]] or [[Property:P3083]] to mul","timestamp":1730894394,"user":"Twofivesixbot","bot":true,"notify_url":"","minor":false,"patrolled":true,"length":{"old":30879,"new":27161},"revision":{"old":2147709089,"new":2270885237},"server_url":"","server_name":"","server_script_path":"/w","wiki":"wikidatawiki","parsedcomment":"<span dir=\"auto\"><span class=\"autocomment\">Changed label, description and/or aliases in 55 languages, and other parts: </span></span> mv labels and aliases matching <a href=\"/wiki/Property:P528\" title=\"catalog code | catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972\"><span class=\"wb-itemlink\"><span class=\"wb-itemlink-label\" lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">catalog code</span> <span class=\"wb-itemlink-id\">(P528)</span></span></a> or <a href=\"/wiki/Property:P3083\" title=\"SIMBAD ID | identifier for an astronomical object, in the University of Strasbourg&#039;s SIMBAD database\"><span class=\"wb-itemlink\"><span class=\"wb-itemlink-label\" lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">SIMBAD ID</span> <span class=\"wb-itemlink-id\">(P3083)</span></span></a> to mul"}

So far, so good.

Ingest data into ClickHouse

Next, we're going to ingest the data into ClickHouse. First, let's enable the JSON type (which is currently experimental), by setting the following property:

SET allow_experimental_json_type = 1;

Now, we'll create the wiki_queue table, which uses the Kafka table engine.

CREATE TABLE wiki_queue
json JSON
ENGINE = Kafka(

Note that we're using the JSONAsObject format, which will ensure that incoming messages are made available as a JSON object. This format can only be parsed into a table that has a single column with the JSON type.

Next, we'll create the underlying table to store the Wiki data:

json JSON,
id String MATERIALIZED getSubcolumn(json, '')
ENGINE = MergeTree

Finally, let's create a materialized view to populate the wiki table:

FROM wiki_queue;

Querying JSON data in ClickHouse

We can then write queries against the wiki table. For example, we could count the number of bots that have committed changes:

SELECT, count()
FROM wiki
1. │ true │ 2526 │
2. │ false │ 4691 │

Or we could find out the users that make the most changes on

FROM wiki
WHERE json.server_name = ''
1. │ Monkbot │ 267 │
2. │ Onel5969 │ 107 │
3. │ Bangwiki │ 37 │
4. │ HHH Pedrigree │ 28 │
5. │ REDACTED403 │ 23 │
6. │ KylieTastic │ 22 │
7. │ Tinniesbison │ 21 │
8. │ XTheBedrockX │ 20 │
9. │ 2001:4455:1DB:4000:51F3:6A16:408E:69FC │ 19 │
10. │ Wcquidditch │ 15 │